Thursday 12 July 2012

5 Reasons Why People Love to Eat in Carinderia

  Hello my dear readers, It is indeed great to be back to my blog posting job once again.Things have been too hectic these past few weeks so I didn't have much time to get in touch with you dear friends. Let me guess, I bet most of you are already eager to get to know about what is installed for you today. Well, for today's article, I decided to write something about food and eating. 

Yeah, that's right. I am well aware that most people love to explore different places and seek for something unusual that may satisfy their stomach. This is the main reason why I decided to come up with a feature about 5 Common Reasons Why People Love to Eat in Carinderias. Did you hear the word "Carinderia" ring on your ears??? I knew it...I knew that you could relate to this topic that I am about to share to everyone that is why I would not keep you wait any longer.
       To start with, People most especially Filipinos would rather choose to eat in a "turo-turo"( This is the other term for Carinderia) rather than in renowned fast food chains or restaurants simply because "turo-turo" or Carinderia has already played a great role towards provision of Genuine Filipino Dining Experience - What makes eating in a "carinderia" unique is the unusual way of choosing your food from their menu. If most typical restaurants would have their menu board  or menu books where costumers could choose what they would want to eat, Carinderia gives you the chance to point at the displayed food samples and they immediately get and serve the product of your choice. This so called "turo-turo" (pointing technique) to choose the food is indeed a unique experience for someone who would want to know what it feels like to eat in a local restaurant.

Number 2, History tells us everything -  Unknown to many Filipino People, The spirit of Carinderia dining originated in the Pre- Hispanic Time when Indians would put up small stalls just to sell "Curry" dishes. Sources tell us that "Carinderia" used to be called "Karihan" which obviously means a place where one could eat curried dishes. As time passes by, the tradition of selling curried dishes in a typical "karihan" has evolved towards selling several options of dishes particularly home- cooked Filipino dishes. From then on, the word Karihan has already been changed to Carinderia.

Number 3,  It serves home - cooked meals - As part of Filipino tradition, most Carinderia owners are those people who love to cook dishes for their family and in order for them to earn a little for their living, these people try to expand their cooking services not just to their family members to their clients as well.  This scenario then gives us the  reason why most Carinderias are guaranteed to sell genuine home cooked meals for everyone. Aside from that, Filipino hospitality also gives the reason why home cooked food are usually served in small restaurants. Since most Filipinos love to travel and move away from their hometowns, Carinderia's serve as an avenue for someone to feel at home even when he is far.

Number 4,  The food is Cheap - There isn't any best way to experience eating genuine Filipino dishes than having your meals in a Carinderia. Despite the fact that it doesn't have good looking food attendant and the ambiance is a bit informal compared to high class restaurants, it gives you the assurance that you get satisfied with what you eat at a very low price because this is the primary goal of every Carinderia that has been put up all around the country. Every owner always makes it a point to showcase their cooking expertise through creation of locally made dishes and make every costumer realize its mouth watering taste at a very low price.

Finally, It is safe - This I guess is the most important factor why several individuals love to eat in these small food houses in the locality. Since most of the ingredients are directly brought in the market, it gives an assurance that they always use fresh items for their dishes. Aside from that, since most of the food they make are home cooked, the cooks make it a point that they never use much artificial flavorings to make their dishes tasty.

Gee, I guess blogging about Carinderia made me feel hungry (hehe) I gotta go everyone as I need to go and grab something to eat from a Carinderia nearby my place. I hope you too got inspired to someday try to be a street smart person and try having a genuine Carinderia Dining Experience.



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