Tuesday 26 June 2012

Differentiating Face-to-Face Selling and Telemarketing

Business is one of the  major industries which people prefer to invest-on nowadays. Thus, when we talk about business, we deal with marketing. Being known to everyone, marketing typically come in two forms. There is what we traditionally know as personal or face-to-face- marketing and the modernized telemarketing technique. I believe that both of them have their own characteristics and the use of each marketing style depends upon your choice as a business man. What  I can do to help you right now, is to help you clarify  thoughts on the nature of each strategy so you would not end up having the burden of choosing which of them fits you right. So if you are ready, then let us get started.

Telemarketing Technique- Known to many,this marketing scheme makes use of the telephone or computer to do transactions for their customers. It has been a common tradition for company owners to hire customer sales agents or representatives to help them sell their items. This style bears the following advantages:

1. Customer Assurance - This means that you are assured of the status of your customer as most telemarketing industries have pre- selected customers who may belong to a specific social class which in return will give you better chances of making a sale.

2. Time, Money and Effort Saving - Practically speaking, telemarketing no longer require sales person to travel from one place to another just to conduct product presentations. As to the business owners, this act helps save an ample amount of the above mentioned elements as telemarketing only requires the use of either phone or computer to introduce an item.

3. Lessens the Agony of Thinking - A wise business entrepreneur always wishes to gain immediate response from his target client so that he may be able to think of alternative strategies if  his clients disapprove his marketing proposal. This is again another job which telemarketing can provide. Pushing the buttons and talking to the client would bring an instant result regarding the transaction.

Next is  Face- To-Face Selling - This I should say is the most common selling mode of third world countries primarily because of the following reasons:

1.Greater Chances of Negotiation - If you send your sales agents from one house to another, you get better chances of having clients who would  ask for plenty of  discounts. Though this is sometimes irritating on the part of the seller, Face-to face selling provides a perfect avenue to adjust and negotiate prices just to go in-between the wants of both parties.

2.Assurance of High Customer Value - Such traditional method give an impression of customer value to your client. This is because of the fact that most customers appreciate the marketer's effort to patiently spend time  to reach out and help answer the needs of the client through product presentations.

3. Greater Provision of Experience - Face to face marketing provides chances for an on-the-spot trial. Through this, the marketer could conduct demonstrations, or provide samples which would  immediately identify the preferences of the client upon trial of the item.

So whether you are an owner of a big or small company, marketing plays an important role for your success. Thus, I now leave you the duty of deciding which of these strategy  is most likely suitable for the nature of your business and your available resources. Good luck and always remember that the key strategy to earn income is to treat your costumer nicely and think of the best marketing strategy wisely.

photo credit: www.google.com.ph

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